Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay on Contrasting Settings in Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles

Contrasting Settings in Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles    The setting or settings in a novel are often an important element in the work.  Many novels use contrasting transports such as cities or towns, to represent opposing forces or ideas that are of import to the meaning of the work.  In Thomas Hardys novel, Tess of the dUrbervilles, the contrasting settings of Talbothays Dairy and Flintcomb-Ash represent the opposing forces of good and evil in Tess life. A significant portion of the novel taks place at Talbothays Dairy, which represents the force of good in Tess life.  At Talbothays, the air is clear, bracing, and ethereal the river flows like the pure River of Life and the air set up Tess spirits wonderfully.  The designer describes the valley as a kind of paradise, with clean, fresh air and a flowing river.  Upon entering the region, Tess reaches an emotional high encouraged by the beautiful atmosphere.  At Talbothays, the milkers fo rm a little battalion of men and women, often singing songs to entice the cows...

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